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Office of the City Manager

City Manager Report – August 29th, 2024

City Manager Amy Arrington

City Manager Amy Arrington

August 29, 2024

Safety Tips to Prepare for the Start of School

As summer ends, we know it is that time of year again – Back to School! We wanted to highlight some safety tips to keep everyone safe.

  • Watch for Children.
  • Obey School Zone speed limits.
  • Do not pass a bus loading children.
  • Never pass vehicles stopped at a crosswalk.
  • Pay attention to school crossing guards.
  • Eliminate distractions while driving.
  • Use designated student drop-off and pick-up zones.

 For you parents, to help you transition smoothly, Highline Public Schools has created a Back to School Checklist with nine things to do before school starts. These steps will ensure you’re prepared, excited, and confident for the year ahead.

Remember, your safety is our top priority. Stay safe out there!


Communication in Normandy Park

Excellent communication with our residents is essential. We work for you and want to ensure you are informed about all the vital activities here in Normandy Park. In addition to our weekly email, we use the following methods to help with our communication efforts:

  • City Scene Magazine – A 32-page magazine published four times a year.
  • City website, including a robust event calendar.
  • Weekly Message from the City Manager.
  • Council Roundup Video on the City’s YouTube Channel.
  • Social Media Posts – Facebook and NextDoor.
  • Channel 21 (stay tuned for new programming soon).
  • Banners and Yard Signs for Events.
  • Informational kiosks at parks.
  • Event Flyers.
  • Surveys.
  • And more.

For a small organization, we do a lot. However, there might be a more effective way to communicate with the public. Do you have any suggestions for us to improve? Please email me and let us know what you think.


If you have any questions, please get in touch with me at Have a great week!

For a small organization, we do a lot. However, there might be a more effective way to communicate with the public. Do you have any suggestions for us to improve? Please email me and let us know what you think…”

Amy Arrington, City Manager

City of Normandy Park
801 SW 174th Street
Normandy Park, WA 98166
(206) 248-8246 (Direct Phone)

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City Manager Report – September 6th, 2024

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City Manager Report – August 23rd, 2024

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