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Normandy Park 2044

What’s Happening Now

Normandy Park’s Comprehensive Plan is the city’s foundational policy document that guides growth and development for the next twenty years.

The Planning Commission and Community Development staff have been working these past months to develop a draft plan update responsive to both the community vision and to the changing urban landscape that we all inhabit, both in policy and regulation. 

The Comprehensive Plan sets out the community’s vision for the future, sets out a groundwork of planning policies to guide city actions, and provides a framework so that city departments and community organizations can work together toward common goals. The Comprehensive Plan Vision establishes the community’s desire for how the city should change, and what it should retain. The Vision is ambitious, yet achievable. It creates a dynamic tension that will challenge the community to continue to work to improve the qualities of the city.

Chapter 1: Vision and User Guide-DRAFT

What you will find in this Chapter
        • Normandy Park 2044 Overall Vision Statement
        • Community Characteristics
        • How to Use This Plan/Organization
        • Complete Policy Framework
        • Community Profile

Chapter 2: Land Use Element-DRAFT

What you will find in this Chapter

      • The purpose of a Land Use Element
      • Urban Growth Area; Designation, Distribution and Location of uses of land
      • Urban growth capacity/Land Capacity Analysis – Housing and Jobs
      • Population densities, building intensities, and estimates of future growth
      • Protection of quality and quantity of groundwater used for public water supplies
      • Special considerations for mitigating environmental health disparities
      • Approaches that promote physical activity and reduce per capita VMT
      • Drainage, flooding, and stormwater runoff policy and guidance

Chapter 3: Housing Element-DRAFT

What you will find in this Chapter

      • Housing is fundamental to the community
      • Inventory and analysis of existing and projected housing needs
      • Statements regarding preservation, improvement, and development of housing
      • Identified sufficient capacity of land
      • Adequate provisions for existing and projected [housing] needs of all economic segments
      • Identified policies and regulations that result in racially disparate impacts, displacement, and exclusion in housing…
      • …and the policies and regulations that will begin to undo them
      • Identified areas at higher risk of displacement including NOAH and Established antidisplacement policies

Chapter 4: Transportation Element-DRAFT

What you will find in this Chapter

  • An inventory of existing transportation facilities and regional transit services, documenting the existing levels of service (LOS) for each facility, and the accounting of travel levels as a basis for future transportation planning.
  • An assessment of impacts derived from land use decisions on locally owned or state-owned transportation facilities.
  • A 10-year forecast of transportation modes, based on the adopted land use plan providing balanced information to transportation safety and convenience to all users of multi-modal transportation facilities in Normandy Park.
  • A multi-year financing plan consisting of the City’s 20-year capital facilities plan (CFP), the transportation improvement plan (TIP), and the City’s operating and maintenance budget.

Chapter 5: Capital Facilities Element-DRAFT

What you will find in this Chapter

    • The purpose of a Capital Facilities Element
    • Inventory and Analysis of current Facilities and Services including Level of Service standards, capital investments, projected projects and financing, and concurrency (adequacy)
    • Identification of adequacy of unsewered areas
    • Related Plans

Chapter 6: Parks and Recreation Element-DRAFT

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Chapter 7: Environmental Element-DRAFT

What you will find in this Chapter

    • The role the environment plays in Normandy Park
    • Inventory, analysis, and regulatory implementation direction for Critical Areas
    • Background and policy support for surface water management through the Stormwater Management Program Plan and the Stormwater Master Plan
    • Shorelines protection through the Shoreline Management Plan
    • Environmental Policies/Framework
    • References to Critical Area and Shoreline Area mapping

Chapter 8: Economic Development Element-DRAFT

What you will find in this Chapter

    • Normandy Park’s focus on economic development
    • Vision and Assets
    • Comparative and Normandy Park Demographics
    • Implementation Efforts
    • Active economic development Partnerships
    • Complete Goal and Policy Framework
    • Methods and Data Sources

Chapter 9: Glossary-DRAFT

What you will find in this Chapter

  • The Glossary provides definitions of words, terms, and land use definitions that are used in a particular way in the Comprehensive Plan.
  • Some terms may also be defined in the NPMC or other regulations. Where definitions are provided in the NPMC, these take precedence for the purposes
    of the Code’s application.
  • All definitions for Shoreline Management are in the NPMC.

The Draft Chapter Elements are now available for public review. A public hearing on the Draft Normandy Park 2044 was held before the Planning Commission on July 18, 2024. The City Council will take up review of the Draft Plan on August 13, 2024.

To read up on previous Planning Commission Meetings and discussions on Normandy Park 2044, please see the What’s Happened So Far drop-down.

Normandy Park 2044: Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update

Normandy Park 2044: What's Happened So Far


Event Topic-Event Overview Links
April 18, 2024 Planning Commission Continuing Business: 2024 Periodic Update Normandy Park 2044: Discussion on proposed amendment areas for Vision and User Guide, “implementation chapter”, and Appendices for glossary terms. Event Materials
March 21, 2024 Planning Commission Continuing Business:  2024 Periodic Update Normandy Park 2044: Discussion of affordable housing development within religious organization-owned property. Event Materials
February 27, 2024 City Council-Planning Commission Joint Session Joint Session of Planning Commission and City Council. Discussion of  the 2024 Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Development Regulations Docket. Event Materials
February 15, 2024 Planning Commission

Continuing Business:  2024 Periodic Update Normandy Park 2044: Discussion on proposed amendment areas for Capital Facilities

Element and Capital Investment Program (CIP)

Event Materials
January 18, 2024 Planning Commission

Continuing Business:  2024 Periodic Update Normandy Park 2044: Land Use and

Transportation Elements proposed amendments

Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Development Regulations
Docket recommendations

Anticipating February 27, 2024 joint session with City Council

Event Materials
December 21, 2023 Planning Commission

Continuing Business:  2024 Periodic Update Normandy Park 2044: SCJ PROs Plan Development; Environmental and

Economic Development Element Proposed Amendments

Events Materials
November 16, 2023 Planning Commission Continuing Business:  2024 Periodic Update Normandy Park 2044: Housing Policy Study Session. Events Materials
October 19th, 2023   Planning Commission Continuing Business: 2024 Periodic Update: Housing Policy Review and Analysis Event Materials
September 21st, 2023 Planning Commission 2024 Periodic Update: Housing Policy Review and Analysis Event Materials
August 17th, 2023 Planning Commission Scoping and Planning Topics, and Land Capacity Analysis Discussion Event Materials
July 25th, 2023 City Council-Planning Commission Joint Session Joint Session of Planning Commission and City Council. Discussion of  2024 Periodic Update. Event Materials
June 15th, 2023 Planning Commission Normandy Park 2044 and 2023 State Legislation Event Materials


Normandy Park 2044: A Vision for the Community Survey


This third Normandy Park 2044 Periodic Update survey focused on immortalizing respondent’s Vision Statement and Community Characteristics of Normandy Park. Submitted statement reflected common community values that are best representative of Normandy Park; reinforcing the great sense of security, family upbringing, or local natural beauty demonstrated in our ABCD Survey results.

The survey asked respondents to reflect on what makes Normandy Park so unique, taking those ideas and rewriting the current Community Description within the current comprehensive plan.

Out of the 4 responses received, none responses did not directly answer the survey question. However,  responses received made prominent mention of security, natural beauty, and the maintenance of current community conditions as key community values/characteristics.

Normandy Park 2044: Housing Survey

Housing is a fundamental building block of our communities. Our thinking on housing reflects Normandy Park’s values of security, family upbringing, local ecology, health, and community care.

The Normandy Park 2044 Housing Survey closed in April of 2024. In total 131 responses were received. 96% were Homeowners, 4% were renters. Results shows us that:

  • 51% of respondents believe Single-Family Detached housing is the answer to create affordability
  • 44% of respondents believe Single-Family Attached housing is the answer to create affordability
  • 36% of respondents believe Accessory Dwelling Units are the answer to create affordability
  • 11% of respondents believe Other forms of housing (Cottage housing, Middle-housing, Condos) are the answer to create affordability

Narrative responses to questions tells us that Normandy Park is a cognizant of the ongoing regional change. Highlighted responses show that that residents are grappling with housing playing a central role in this Periodic Update. Please read further on survey results here.

Normandy Park 2044: ABCD Values Survey

The use of Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) frames a positive approach to community assets development, starting with identifying existing community resources to support development.

The Normandy Park 2044 Asset Based Development Survey closed in November of 2023. In total 130 responses were received. Results shows us that:

  • 91% of residents heavily value greenspaces (city parks or natural areas)
  • 90% heavily rely on the Commercial Centers (Towne Center and Manhattan)
  • 68% value the community/membership at the NPCC (the Cove)

Common themes among narrative responses tells us that Normandy Park is a safe small town, focusing on neighborly and community oriented actions. Please read further on survey results here.

Normandy Park 2044: What is it?

To ensure our hidden gem provides the highest quality of life, public safety, recreation, history, and community – all in the beauty of our natural surroundings.

-Vision and User’s Guide, Normandy Park Comprehensive Plan

Communities across growth management-planning areas in Washington state have moved into high gear for the 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update. This major update, occurring every eight years, is an opportunity for community residents,  businesses and other stakeholders to validate their long-range planning community values in their comprehensive plans. Since the 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update, the City Council has passed amendments, including new Vision statements and an Economic Development Element, and incorporating storm water management planning, Shoreline Management Plan (SMP), and critical areas ordinance (CAO) regulatory updates into the Plan for reference.

Why should I get involved in updating my local comprehensive plan?

Each community in our state is charged with the responsibility to plan for people, jobs, housing, and natural resources. When residents, businesses and stakeholders get involved in the planning process, they can help determine priorities and shape the future of their communities.

How is it going to work here in the Park? 

The City of Normandy Park celebrates its 70th birthday this year, and right alongside is the Comprehensive Plan, first adopted in 1957 and celebrating its 66th birthday! The 2024 update represents the sixth significant update of the plan.

The city will use an Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) framework to help from a positive place of community asset identification, and will be able to address issues such as sea level rise (SLR), continued storm water management planning (SWMP), airport reauthorization, and housing.

 “Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) is an approach that uses the existing resources of a community to support its development. Rather than focusing on challenges or resources that are lacking, ABCD seeks to identify often unrecognized assets produced by local individuals, associations, and institutions, and then works to build on those assets to sustain a community and support its growth. The use of ABCD can inform solution-oriented and conscious practices in all aspects of the planning process.”

-PAS QuickNotes No. 97.

The work program will build on the ABCD framework by also examining human values in our physical environments. To do this we will seek out other tools such as A Pattern Language by Christopher Alexander.

“A Pattern Language lays out [in] over 1,100 pages how our buildings—and by proxy our cities—are not entities at a remove from human beings, but rather their manufactured extensions. And as with any body (headless or otherwise), the whole structure is only as healthy as its individual parts. No facet of our cities and towns should be unwelcoming to their [residents], and no room in a house should feel neglected.  A space should “feel right,” the authors argue, and that feeling is tied to the congruence between physical and social spaces.”

-A Pattern Language: A User’s Guide (Harvard University)


Nicholas Matz, AICP
Community Development Director
(206) 248-8253

Alfredo Corvalan
Assistant Planner-Permit Technician
(206) 248-8260

City’s Planning Consultant

LDC, Inc.

(425) 806-1869

The language begins with patterns that define towns and communities…: Pattern 12 – Community of 7000*

Individuals have no effective voice in any community of more than 5,000-10,000 persons

-A Pattern Language (1977)

Follow Normandy Park’s Comprehensive Plan Update in 2023 and 2024 with community engagement opportunities on the Community Development page.

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