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Crime Prevention & Safety

Safety First

The Normandy Park Police Department offers a variety of crime prevention information and programs including Blockwatch, Security for Children, Home Security, Vehicle Security, Personal Security, and Identity Theft. If you have any questions regarding crime prevention, please give us a call.

 Prevent Mail Theft

  • DO NOT leave outgoing mail in your unlocked mailbox with the flag up. (That is a RED FLAG that something is in your box to collect and a sign to criminals that there is something to take.)
  • DO deposit mail in a post office collection box or inside at your local post office. Use a collection box that is NOT FULL!
  • It is strongly recommended to purchase a locking mailbox or locking insert for your existing mail box to convert it to a lockable type.
  • DO NOT send cash or coins through the mail. Always send a check or money order instead.

Bicycle Safety & Security

Bicycles are an easy target for criminals. Be sure to lock your bicycle to a secure object at all times. ALWAYS REMEMBER TO WEAR YOUR HELMET!

Home Burglary Prevention Tips

Most burglaries occur in Normandy Park on Monday through Friday in the daytime. The crooks are depending on everyone being at work or school.

Many burglars have confessed upon arrest and reported they knocked on the front door or rang the bell to make sure no one was home. If someone answers the door they tell them they are lost or looking for their lost dog or some other such excuse.

Surprisingly citizens rarely doubt the burglar’s reason for being on their front porch and do not call the police. If a stranger knocks on your front door you do not have to open your door. You should make sure they know you are home and telling them to leave your property from behind a solid door is a great option. Then call us.

Most car prowls occur in hours of darkness where the thief depends on the cover of darkness to hide his criminal behavior. Often our follow up investigations reveal the thieves broke into an unlocked car. There were cars close by that were locked and untouched.

  • Lock your doors. It is a simple way to prevent so much crime.
  • Install motions lights. They are now very reasonably priced and easy to install. The crooks do not wish to be illuminated during the commission of their crime.
  • Alarm systems, dead bolts, motion detector light systems, dogs, peepholes and other such simple crime prevention tools work very well.
  • Do not advertise your new purchases or Christmas gifts. A cardboard box from a new 50 inch TV sitting next to the cardboard recycle bin lets everyone driving by know exactly what is in your house.
  • Never leave your purse or wallet on a counter top or table top that can be seen from the front door. Likewise never leave a purse or wallet on a car seat even if you are “just going to be away one minute.” That is when the opportunistic thief takes your wallet, credit cards and cash.

Personal Safety

At Home

  • Have good locks, and USE THEM, even in the middle of the day. Keep the garage door locked. DO NOT give anyone the chance to sneak in unannounced.
  • DO NOT let strangers in. If there is an emergency and someone needs to use the phone, call for them.
  • Keep any and all firearms locked up and secured.
  • DO NOT give out personal information over the phone to people you do not know.

In Your Car

  • Always remember to bring your charged cell phone.


Police Department
Monday - Thursday 6:30am - 5pm
Non-Emergency number:
(206) 248-7600

For officer response Please call:
fax (206) 246-9732

Email to use for Police Records Requests, Alarm Registration and House Check Forms: 

Dan Yourkoski
Police Chief
(206) 248-8254

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