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Office of the City Manager

Weekly Report – July 26th, 2024

City Manager Amy Arrington

City Manager Amy Arrington

July 26, 2024

Highlights from the City Council Study Session

Every 4th Tuesday, the City Council meets in a Study Session to discuss current issues and upcoming business. Typically, no action is taken, but the City Council does give directions. At our July 23rd Study Session, the City Council discussed two items I wanted to update the public on.

Kroger-Albertsons Grocery Store Merger: The City Council has directed staff to draft a letter opposing the Kroger-Albertsons Merger. The Council felt strongly that the proposed merger could negatively impact the residents of Normandy Park. The draft letter will be presented at the August 13th City Council meeting for consideration.

Public Camping: The City Council reviewed the City’s municipal code on overnight camping. Due to a recent court ruling, the rules regarding public camping have changed, and the City Council wanted to ensure that our current code was sufficient.

For background, on June 28, 2024, the United States Supreme Court issued a long-awaited ruling in the City of Grants Pass v. Johnson. This case presented the Court with the question, “Does the enforcement of generally applicable laws regulating camping on public property constitute ‘cruel and unusual punishment’ prohibited by the Eighth Amendment?” In a 6-3 opinion, the Court held that it did not. This new ruling allows municipalities to enforce ordinances prohibiting camping on City property. The Court’s ruling disapproved of the Ninth Circuit’s ruling in Martin v. City of Boise, which had ruled that it violated the 8th Amendment to criminalize camping or sleeping in public places if no shelter space was available.

The Police Chief and City Attorney concur that Normandy Park Municipal Code 7.90.150 is sufficient for regulating overnight camping in our parks.

I invite you to watch the recording of the meeting to learn more about these items and other topics discussed.

Summer Concert Series Continues on Sunday, July 28th 

Are you ready for our next summer event? Join us on Sunday, July 28th, at 5:00 p.m. for a performance by Chikiri—Japanese Taiko Drummers. “CHIKIRI” means a butterfly joint used in woodworking; it holds two pieces of wood together. Similarly, this group works to bring people together through music, mainly Japanese Taiko Drumming. This performance is free and open to the public.

Bring a picnic blanket or lawn chair to Marvista Park and enjoy. The complete schedule is available on the City’s website.

If you have any questions about these items or any other city business, please get in touch with me at Have a great week!

“Kroger-Albertsons Grocery Store Merger: The City Council has directed staff to draft a letter opposing the Kroger-Albertsons Merger. The Council felt strongly that the proposed merger could negatively impact the residents of Normandy Park…”

Amy Arrington, City Manager

City of Normandy Park
801 SW 174th Street
Normandy Park, WA 98166
(206) 248-8246 (Direct Phone)

City Manager Report – September 6th, 2024

The Puget Sound is vital to our community, and the City wants to encourage residents to celebrate and protect it!
Daily, pollutants from our neighborhoods flow through storm drains to nearby creeks, streams, and lakes, which flow into Puget Sound. We rely on clean water for our well-being, as do salmon, orcas, and other wildlife living in our shared habitat. What we do here has an impact on our local waterways and, eventually, on Puget Sound.

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City Manager Report – August 29th, 2024

Office of the City ManagerCity Manager Amy ArringtonSafety Tips to Prepare for the Start of School As summer ends, we know it is that time of year again – Back to School! We wanted to highlight some safety tips to keep everyone safe. Watch for Children. Obey School...

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City Manager Report – August 23rd, 2024

Office of the City ManagerCity Manager Amy ArringtonAutomated License Plate Readers Installed on 1st Avenue The City has just installed two Automated License Plate Readers on 1st Avenue. What do these cameras do?  They will automatically capture an image of a license...

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