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Office of the City Manager

Weekly Report – June 21, 2024

City Manager Amy Arrington

City Manager Amy Arrington

June 21, 2024

2024 Resident Survey is Complete!

Thank you to all the residents who took our 2024 Citizen Survey. I am happy to report it closed with 392 responses. Some quick facts about the survey:

  • 384 of our survey responses were submitted electronically.
  • No question received 100% response. Every participant either skipped or missed at least one question.
  • Almost 50% of respondents answered, “Do you have any suggestions to help us improve city services.” During their review of the survey, the City Council commented on how valuable this information was to them.
  • The survey took residents approximately 3 minutes to complete. 

Using the survey analysis tool, the top five words mentioned in the comment section were need, parks, street, police, and sidewalks. Survey results showed strong satisfaction with the police, parks, and the City’s efforts in protecting the environment. It also highlighted some areas that we want to work on improving. 

Your feedback was invaluable! The City Council used this information at its April Retreat to help develop City goals. If you want to see the results and read the comments, visit this link. Let me know what you think. And remember that we plan to conduct this survey on an annual basis. Thank you again to all the residents who took the time to respond.

Bicycle Decorating Event

Join Teacher Ashley from Normandy Park Preschool to decorate your bicycle for the 4th of July Parade. It’s going to be a blast! This fun activity is happening on July 3rd, so get ready to jazz up your bike and make it look amazing for the parade! We’ll have supplies for you, so don’t worry about that. Feel free to bring your own favorite decorations and supplies to add your special touch to your bike. This is a free event; we’d love to see you there. Just a heads up – no drop-offs, please. 

4th of July Fireworks

As we approach the 4th of July holiday, I wanted to remind everyone of the City’s rules on fireworks. While the discharge of fireworks is permitted, it is also regulated. The following rules must be followed.

  • Fireworks may be discharged within city limits from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on July 3rd and from 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on July 4th.
  • You must be on private property (with permission of the property owner) – it is unlawful to discharge any fireworks on any public property. Public property includes parks, public open space, public playgrounds, public streets, public roads, or other publicly owned property in Normandy Park. 

Remember to have a fun and safe 4th of July!

Park Life Livin’ Town Hall – This Wednesday

Join us Wednesday, June 26th, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at City Hall for a Town Hall meeting. You can meet your City Council members and City Staff and hear an overview of city services. Afterward, we will open the floor to a conversation with residents about the topics you want to discuss. Stay tuned for more themed town hall events that are being planned. Future dates will be announced later this summer. 

If you have any questions, please get in touch with me at Have a great week!

“Join us Wednesday, June 26th, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at City Hall for a Town Hall meeting. You can meet your City Council members and City Staff and hear an overview of city services…”

Amy Arrington, City Manager

City of Normandy Park
801 SW 174th Street
Normandy Park, WA 98166
(206) 248-8246 (Direct Phone)

City Manager Report – October 25th, 2024

Neighbors throughout the Park will return in full force, celebrating the spooky season again this year. Before you set out on a Trick-or-Treating adventure on Halloween night, follow these safety tips to help make the night fun and safe.

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City Manager Report – October 18, 2024

Temporary Signs in Normandy Park
From time to time, residents ask about temporary signs. I wanted to share some information about our regulations, things like what a temporary sign is, where your signs can and cannot be placed, and other regulations on signs per the City’s code. This will be a summary, so for all the rules, please see our Public Assistance Memo or contact the Community Development Department at 206.248.8260.

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City Manager Report – October 11, 2024

On Tuesday, October 8th, the City Council held its regular monthly meeting. Here are the meeting highlights to help keep you informed. Three contracts were approved.
Contract renewal with SmartGov – The City renewed the contract with SmartGov to support the City’s online permitting system.
Contract with Placer AI – Placer AI is a location analytics company that collects geolocation data anonymously from mobile devices. This information will assist the City in developing city-specific analytics for any number of queries regarding customer behavior, commercial and business

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