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Public Works Department

Comprehensive Stormwater Plan

Ken Courter Public Works Director

Public Works Director Ken Courter

February 08, 2023

The City of Normandy Park has adopted a Comprehensive Stormwater Plan.  The plan will guide where the City focuses its efforts to reduce urban flooding and protect water quality in Miller Creek, Walker Creek, and Puget Sound.

In part, the Comprehensive Stormwater Plan helps assess the staffing and budget resources needed to comply with stormwater regulations from the state. The City expects the Washington Department of Ecology to issue a new municipal stormwater permit in 2024. Anticipated changes to the permit would require the City to do more to protect water quality of our valued surface waters.

The Comprehensive Stormwater Plan also includes a Stormwater Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to select the most important or effective capital projects that will address flooding, drainage, erosion, or water quality related to stormwater runoff throughout Normandy Park.

City staff and the public have continued to observe and document additional locations of concern for poor drainage, stormwater maintenance needs, or erosion. The plan prioritizes which of these newfound issues are the most important to resolve.

Find out more, get involved, and help make the commitment to clean water.  Your input is important.  Here are ways you can learn more and get involved: Attend public meetings, sign up for weekly emails, or contact the City Stormwater Coordinator at

“..address flooding, drainage, erosion, or water quality related to stormwater runoff.”

Jessie Medrow, Stormwater Coordinator

City of Normandy Park
801 SW 174th Street
Normandy Park, WA 98166
(206) 248-8256 (Direct Phone)

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