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Public Works Department

SW Suburban Sewer Project Starts

Ken Courter Public Works Director

Public Works Director Ken Courter

September 09, 2022

Beginning the week of September 5, 2022 the Southwest Suburban Sewer District will be mobilizing construction equipment into the area surrounding the intersection of SW Shoremont Ave and Normandy Terrace SW to begin the replacement of the high-pressure sewer mainline.  Construction is anticipated to be completed by November 2022.  This improvement is necessary to ensure the sewer system has continued functionality and to provide ongoing service to this area and the system as a whole.

The method of construction will be by horizontal directional drill.  This method was chosen to minimize the disruption to the neighborhood.  Multiple “pits” will be excavated to allow retrieval of the drill head rather than a traditional trench.  Sewer pipe waiting to be installed will be placed along the shoulder in 250-foot sections.  This may impact vehicle access to driveways at times.  Every attempt will be made to accommodate residents, but delays may occur.  Our field representative will be placing yellow door flyers the day prior to specific properties being impacted.

What you can expect:

  • Anticipated project schedule is September 6th through November 2022.
  • Hours of construction will be 7:00 am – 6:00 pm Monday thru Friday.
  • Construction equipment and materials will be stored on the shoulders.
  • Construction noise.
  • Local road closures and reroutes.

The District will have a representative available throughout the project, Kitty Carter, who can be reached at 206-432-3509 or email Please do not hesitate to contact us should you experience any problems or have any questions.

“Construction is anticipated to be completed by November 2022.”

Ken Courter, Public Works Director

City of Normandy Park
801 SW 174th Street
Normandy Park, WA 98166
(206) 248-8269 (Direct Phone)

Storm Debris Pickup

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