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Normandy Park Trees

Tree Education Resources

The City of Normandy Park is committed to the preservation and protection of our tree canopy. Trees provide important aesthetic, environmental, and economic benefits and are an integral part of the City of Normandy Park’s character. To better serve our residents, we have provided tree education materials written by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA).

Tree Canopy Assessment

In 2018 King County Conservation District (KCD) provided the City of Normandy Park with an Urban Tree Canopy Assessment as part of their South King County Tree Canopy Assessment Initiative. Below you will find links to the full report, a two-page factsheet, and KCD’s interactive tree canopy map.

Heritage Tree Program

Trees are a vital asset to any community, and Normandy Park has embraced this value. Based on the 2018 Tree Canopy Survey from King Conservation District, Normandy Park has 740 acres, or 46%, of tree canopy. This is one of the highest percentages in King County. To celebrate, promote, preserve, and educate the public about this great asset, the city has established a Heritage Tree Program. The purpose of the program is to:

  • Increase public awareness of trees and specifically Normandy Park’s urban forest.
  • Draw attention to and protect our unique and significant heritage trees.
  • Reinforce that all trees are one of the key components of our city’s unique character and sense of place.

To read more about the Heritage Tree Program or to nominate a tree, download the form and email it to Parks & Recreation Manager Aimee Lloyd at

See the Heritage Tree Page and explore the nominated trees here!

Common Questions

Does Normandy Park have a Tree Ordinance

The City of Normandy Park does not have a tree ordinance that impacts private property owners but we do have an ordinance that impacts trees on public property. Property owners and tree services do have requirements that pertain to tree removal also. Property owners are not required to have a permit for cutting down trees on their private property unless the trees are in a critical area, on a city easement, or if the property owner desires to do land clearing or grading or filling. For more information please see NPMC 13.20 and 13.30.

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