Animal Services
Pet Licensing
Purchasing a license and attaching it to your pet’s collar is one of the most important things you can do as a responsible pet owner. Displaying a current license tag on your pet’s collar makes it easy to locate a lost pet’s information quickly. It could be your pet’s ticket home, and it’s also the law. Licensing required for all dogs six months and older residing in the City of Normandy Park.
Normandy Park Municipal Code (NPMC) 6.04.020 requires all dogs over six months of age kept within the city to be licensed through the City of Normandy Park. A dog license is valid for one year from the date of issuance, expiring on the last day of the twelfth month. City residents 65 years of age or older may purchase a special permanent license for the lifetime of a spayed/neutered pet for which they are the registered owner. To determine if you live with the Normandy Park city limits read the Animal Services Questions (FAQs).
Complete animal regulations are online in NPMC Title 6.

Pet License Fees
Rates effective January 1, 2024
- $22 Dog/Cat – spayed or neutered
- $68 Dog/Cat – male or female
- $22 Senior Citizen (65 and over) Lifetime Pet License
- $5.00 – Late fee
- $5.50 – Replacement tag
Contact Shelly Bedingfield for additional information.
Animal Control
Normandy Park Police will pick up and temporarily hold dogs. The use of social media and a pet chip scanner are used to locate pet owners. The Department can scan cats for chips but will not take custody of a cat. If you have a found or injured cat, please call a local shelter or feline rescue.
In regard to wildlife, Normandy Park Police has limited resources. In some cases, NPPD can take temporary custody of a wild animal until the proper care services or authority is available. We encourage you to seek assistance from Washington Fish and Game or local wildlife rescues when appropriate.