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City Roads

The roads within Normandy Park include arterial roads, residential access streets, and commercial access streets. Roads may either have a curb or a shoulder. The city governs the right-of-way, road width, and road geometrics. The City of Normandy Park’s Public Works department is responsible for the construction and maintenance of all aspects of the street systems; work includes filling potholes, trimming trees in the right-of-way, storm drainage, street lighting, sidewalks, and snow and ice removal.

Living on the Edge

Many homes throughout this community are located on slopes, ravines, streams and tributaries. Learn more about landslides, their causes, warning signs, and how to reduce your risk from the State of Washington’s Department of Ecology.

Clean and Clear

Check out the Street Sweeping Map for which roads get swept monthly, quarterly, or biannually.

Public Works staff works hard to keep road access open throughout a snow and/or ice event. Check the Snow Plow Route to see which roads will get priority for plowing. The city will not plow driveways or private roads. For plowing and/or sanding requests during an event, please contact City Hall.

Street Lights

Malfunctioning or burnt-out street lights need to be fixed or replaced. If you see a street light that needs maintenance, please obtain the pole number and report it with the street address and description of the problem. 

Puget Sound Energy

Call 1-888-225-5773 or, report online.

If the light is in your neighborhood and you are served by PSE, chances are the light is maintained by PSE. Most streetlights maintained by PSE have a photocell located at the top of the fixture and street light poles have a 12 digit grid number (black & yellow numbering on metal tags) or INTOLIGHT tag (INTOLIGHT logo on metal tag).

Seattle City Light

Call 206-684-7056 or report it online.

If you are in the Highlands, North of Sylvester Road, and are served by Seattle City Light your streetlight is most likely maintained by Seattle City Light. The phone line is staffed Monday – Friday, 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM, but a message can be left after hours. The sooner you call, the quicker the light will be working again.

Other Road Problems

Contact us or fill out a Citizen Request form to report any other road problem, such as:

  • Potholes
  • Sidewalk problems
  • Traffic signal problems
  • Damaged or missing street signs
  • Hazardous road conditions


Ken Courter
Public Works Director
(206) 248-8269

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