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Office of the City Manager

City Manager Report – August 23rd, 2024

City Manager Amy Arrington

City Manager Amy Arrington

August 23, 2024

Automated License Plate Readers Installed on 1st Avenue

The City has just installed two Automated License Plate Readers on 1st Avenue. What do these cameras do?  They will automatically capture an image of a license plate and compare the plate number to a database of vehicles of interest to law enforcement, such as a stolen car or a missing person. If there is a match, law enforcement officers are alerted that a vehicle of interest has been observed and what camera it just passed.  The camera system selected by the City is the Flock System, so if talking with the Police Officers, you will hear it referred to as the Flock Cameras. 

In addition to alerting our officers about a vehicle of interest, this system has other benefits. They include:

  • We can connect to the Flock cameras in neighboring cities to increase our ability to exchange information.
  • In addition to reading license plates, it can also identify unique characteristics of the vehicle, such as a bumper sticker.
  • To protect your privacy, cameras focus on the vehicle, not the individual
  • Private businesses, neighborhoods, and individuals can also install these cameras. These cameras can then connect to the City’s system and help improve our outreach. 

These cameras are not monitored in real-time, and historical information is only reviewed as part of an investigation into a crime that has occurred. 

We are excited to have this new equipment to enhance the Police Department’s efforts to protect the public. If the cameras are successful, the City may consider adding additional cameras in the future to monitor the City’s entry and exit points. Contact Chief Dan Yourkoski with any questions. 

Summer Concert Series Finale on August 25th  

Join us on Sunday, August 25th, for the Summer Concert Series Finale.  This Sunday, we will have a Jazz Music Finale with two performers. The event starts at 2:30 pm with a performance by Jay Thomas RKO, All-Star Jazz Ensemble. At 5:00 pm, we will be entertained by Marina Albero, Piano Driven Latin Quintet. It is free and open to the public. Bring a picnic blanket or lawn chair to Marvista Park and enjoy.


If you have any questions about these items or any other city business, please get in touch with me at Have a great week!

“Join us on Sunday, August 25th, for the Summer Concert Series Finale.  This Sunday, we will have a Jazz Music Finale with two performers. The event starts at 2:30 pm…”

Amy Arrington, City Manager

City of Normandy Park
801 SW 174th Street
Normandy Park, WA 98166
(206) 248-8246 (Direct Phone)

City Manager Report – September 13, 2024

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City Manager Report – September 6th, 2024

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City Manager Report – August 29th, 2024

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