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Office of the City Manager

Weekly Report – August 11, 2023

City Manager Amy Arrington

City Manager Amy Arrington

August 11, 2023

City Council Meeting Roundup

On Tuesday, August 8th, the City Council had its regular monthly meeting. Here are the meeting highlights.

  • Parks Commission Chair Ron Ebbers gave the City Council the annual presentation on all the good works of the Parks Commission.
  • Our consultant, SCJ Alliance, talked with the City Council about how the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) Plan update was going. Once complete, the PROS plan will be updated to guide us regarding parks, recreation, open space, and trails. Resident input is crucial in assuring that program goals and priorities are consistent with community needs. If you have not already, please complete the survey now.
  • An amendment to the interlocal agreement (ILA) with South Correctional Entity (SCORE) was approved. This ILA is an existing contract where the fees change annually. SCORE continues to provide the best service for a reasonable cost, and its proximity to Normandy Park minimizes the time our Officers are out of the City. This amendment approves a 3% increase over 2023 rates and is fair given the current inflation rate.
  • The Work Program for the Planning Commission related to the Periodic Update (or Comprehensive Plan update) was approved. For background, comprehensive plans are the centerpiece of local planning efforts. It articulates a series of goals, objectives, policies, actions, and standards that are intended to guide the day-to-day decisions of elected officials and local government staff. With the approved work program, the Planning Commission will start its work, including holding public hearings and formulating a recommendation to City Council in time for Council review preparatory to meeting the December 2024 Periodic Update deadline.
  • The first reading of an ordinance that will amend the City’s animal code was approved. This amendment will add language related to penalties for animal code violations which was previously inadvertently left off. It also clarifies when a violation is a civil infraction versus a misdemeanor. If interested, the second reading is scheduled for September 12th.

If you want to learn more about these items, I encourage you to watch the meeting recording.

Music in the Park this Sunday

Only three more performances to enjoy this summer. This Sunday, August 13th, come to Marvista Park to check out Student Nurse. Bring your favorite blanket and chair and head to the park from 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm for some summer evening entertainment with the family. We’ll see you there!

If you have any questions, please get in touch with me at Have a great week!

” Only three more performances to enjoy this summer…”

Amy Arrington, City Manager

City of Normandy Park
801 SW 174th Street
Normandy Park, WA 98166
(206) 248-8246 (Direct Phone)

City Manager Report – October 18, 2024

Temporary Signs in Normandy Park
From time to time, residents ask about temporary signs. I wanted to share some information about our regulations, things like what a temporary sign is, where your signs can and cannot be placed, and other regulations on signs per the City’s code. This will be a summary, so for all the rules, please see our Public Assistance Memo or contact the Community Development Department at 206.248.8260.

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City Manager Report – October 11, 2024

On Tuesday, October 8th, the City Council held its regular monthly meeting. Here are the meeting highlights to help keep you informed. Three contracts were approved.
Contract renewal with SmartGov – The City renewed the contract with SmartGov to support the City’s online permitting system.
Contract with Placer AI – Placer AI is a location analytics company that collects geolocation data anonymously from mobile devices. This information will assist the City in developing city-specific analytics for any number of queries regarding customer behavior, commercial and business

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City Manager Report – October 4, 2024

Demo day for the Walker and Sequoia Creek project is coming soon. The City Council approved a contract in September to clear all the structures off the property. A Cooperative Watershed Management grant from the King County Flood Control District funds this work. Once fully complete, this exciting project will benefit the environment and create a passive park for residents to enjoy.

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