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Office of the City Manager

Weekly Report – August 2, 2024

City Manager Amy Arrington

City Manager Amy Arrington

August 02, 2024

Join us for National Night Out – Tuesday, August 6th

Please join us on Tuesday, August 6th, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM at City Hall Park for the annual National Night Out celebration. National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie.

Normandy Park is fortunate to have its own fantastic Police Department with 11 sworn officers. They work diligently to protect and serve the residents of Normandy Park. Police Chief Dan Yourkoski shared two recent interactions that demonstrate this commitment.

First, a grateful resident left a voicemail commending Officer Garrett Gredell for his compassionate assistance. Early one morning, the caller, after being released from St. Anne’s Hospital, decided not to wait for transport but instead attempted to go home on his own barefoot and in a wheelchair. Officer Garrett saw this resident traveling along 1st Avenue and offered assistance. Officer Garrett’s offer was initially declined, but our officer was undeterred and asked again, and this time, he accepted. Officer Garrett took it upon himself to push the resident to their assisted living facility at least four blocks uphill on 1st Avenue.

Another commendable incident that recently occurred involved Officer Brian Norris. Officer Brian responded to a scene where a person had passed away. A family member present was deeply moved by Norris’s compassion and support during the family’s grief. The family member later contacted the City to express his gratitude, highlighting the significant impact of Norris’s actions during such a difficult time.

Chief Yourkoski stated, “These are just two examples of the great work being done by the men and women of your Police Department every day, many of which neither you nor I ever hear about. The Officers think nothing of it because they just see it as doing their jobs. To the community members they touch, though, it is much, much more than that.”

We are proud to have a team of excellent officers. All eleven go above and beyond every day! Because of this, we want to acknowledge them and allow the community to connect and build a relationship with the officers. So please drop by and join us on Tuesday. National Night Out is a great way to meet your Police Officers, City Councilmembers, and neighbors.  Free pizza, music, and family fun will be provided.  We hope to see you there!

Summer Concert Series Continues on August 4th  

Are you ready for our next summer event? Join us on Sunday, August 4th, at 5:00 p.m. for a performance by Roosevelt Road. Roosevelt Road is a band of well-experienced musicians who bring decades of experience and styles, including great Bluegrass, Americana, and Gospel music, to the Northwest and beyond. This performance is free and open to the public.

Bring a picnic blanket or lawn chair to Marvista Park and enjoy. The complete schedule is available on the City’s website.


If you have any questions about these items or any other city business, please get in touch with me at Have a great week!

Normandy Park is fortunate to have its own fantastic Police Department with 11 sworn officers. They work diligently to protect and serve the residents of Normandy Park. Police Chief Dan Yourkoski shared two recent interactions that demonstrate this commitment…”

Amy Arrington, City Manager

City of Normandy Park
801 SW 174th Street
Normandy Park, WA 98166
(206) 248-8246 (Direct Phone)

City Manager Report – September 13, 2024

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City Manager Report – September 6th, 2024

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City Manager Report – August 29th, 2024

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