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Weekly Report – July 26th, 2024

Every 4th Tuesday, the City Council meets in a Study Session to discuss current issues and upcoming business. Typically, no action is taken, but the City Council does give directions. At our July 23rd Study Session, the City Council discussed two items I wanted to update the public on. Kroger-Albertson Grocery Store Merger: The City Council has directed staff to draft a letter

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Weekly Report – July 18th, 2024

Summer is here, and we are all enjoying the fantastic sunny weather. When considering what adventure the family will have next, be sure to include a visit to all the Normandy Park parks. The City of Normandy Park has over 100 acres of parkland, all of which are open to the public. Currently, the City manages seven named parks, one named preserve, and a variety of open spaces. Each provides a variety of recreation amenities and experiences for the Normandy Park community to enjoy.

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Weekly Report – July 12, 2024

The City of Normandy Park is considering the construction of a new multi-use sport court. This court would focus on pickleball and basketball and is championed by the Normandy Park Metropolitan Parks District (or City Council).
Some fun facts about the Normandy Park Metropolitan Parks District (MPD):
It was formed in 2009 when voters approved the formation of a metropolitan park district.
The MPD has the authority to create, manage, control, improve, maintain, and acquire parks and recreational facilities.
The City Council of Normandy Park is authorized to serve as the board of metropolitan park commissioners.
The MPD can assess Normandy Park property owners a levy to support the City’s parks.
The City of Normandy Park owns, operates, and maintains all the parks. The MPD is important because it financially covers the costs of these efforts.

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Weekly Report – July 5th, 2024

Every two years, the City prepares its biennial budget. This is an important document since it presents the overall plan for allocating the City’s resources to various programs. An essential element of our process includes the work of the Citizen Budget Advisory Group. This group, usually of four to six residents, works with staff to review and provide valuable input on the upcoming proposed budget. Some of the areas that will be reviewed and discussed at meetings include

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Weekly Report – June 28, 2024

The City Council hosted its first quarterly Town Hall meeting this past Wednesday. These meetings are being held to create a two-way dialogue between the City Council and residents. We hope that by having these meetings regularly, we will receive stronger input from residents, which will help us improve our services.

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Weekly Report – June 21, 2024

2024 Resident Survey is Complete!
Thank you to all the residents who took our 2024 Citizen Survey. I am happy to report it closed with 392 responses. Some quick facts about the survey: 384 of our survey responses were submitted electronically. No question received 100% response. Every participant either skipped or missed at least one question.

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