Beginning in 2025, WM Normandy Park single-family residential customers can now place up to one large appliance or one piece of furniture for bulky collection for free during the calendar year…
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Storm Debris Pickup
Recently, the City of Normandy Park designated a storm event occurrence that will impact Single-Family Residence Customers who subscribe to Yard and Food Waste pickups. On Tuesday, Nov. 26, Tuesday, Dec. 10 and Tuesday, Dec. 24, Single-Family Residence Customers in Normandy Park may include up to 96 gallons of Storm Debris with regular quantities of Compostables without extra charge. Yard Debris includes leaves, grass, pruning’s, branches, and small trees.
Announcing the Next Town Hall Meeting
The City Council continues its quarterly gatherings intended to connect with Normandy Park residents. This is a unique opportunity for the City Council to listen to the public and establish a two-way dialogue with residents.
Enchanted Trail in Nature Trails Park
Normandy Park is excited to announce the opening of our very own enchanted trail, a unique addition to the city’s network of green spaces. This new trail, nestled among the trees in Nature Trails Park, is designed to spark the imagination and creativity of the community.
Celebrate Community and Creativity at Normandy Park’s Autumn Art Fest – Free Event for All!
Join us for a not-to-be-missed event! The Normandy Park Arts Commission is delighted to present this year’s Autumn Art Fest on Sunday, October 6th, from 1:00–5:00 pm at the Cove/Normandy Park Community Club (1500 SW Shorebrook Dr, Normandy Park, WA 98166 ). This event is not just about art and music; it’s about community. And the best part? It’s free and open to everyone, so come and be a part of this wonderful celebration.
Music In The Park
The Normandy Park Arts Commission has worked throughout the winter and spring to create an exciting summer music schedule for the annual ‘Music in the Park’ concert series! Every Sunday in July and August at Marvista Park, the City is hosting free concerts starting at 5:00 pm.