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Weekly Report – September 30, 2022

As the temperature starts to cool and the leaves change color, we know the fall season is upon us. For local government, that also means budget season. Cities, counties, and certain special purpose districts in Washington State must adopt budgets on an annual or, in some cases, biennial (two-year) basis. The City of Normandy Park uses a biennial budget to strengthen our financial planning, and this document must be adopted by December 31 of every even-number year.

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Weekly Report – September 23, 2022

Did you know that National Voter Registration Day was celebrated this past week? September 20th was the kick-off date for a nationwide effort to get citizens to register to vote and/or update their voter registration. Since voting is one of the most important rights we have, I wanted to take some time to give you some additional information about the last election.

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Weekly Report – September 16, 2022

On Tuesday, September 13th, the City Council had its regular monthly meeting. Here are the meeting highlights. Two proclamations were approved. We recognized Childhood Cancer Awareness and National Recovery Month. The City Council approved the first reading of an ordinance that will amend the Normandy Park Municipal Code to clarify the rules on dangerous dogs. Our new code will better conform to current State law and provide a straightforward procedure for appeals making our process more defensible. The second reading is scheduled for the October meeting.
The City Council approved an ordinance to align the city’s code with amended State law so the city can enforce order violations, including protection and no contact orders.

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SEPA Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) and Notice of Application (NOA) – 2022 Comprehensive Stormwater Plan

SEPA Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) and Notice of Application (NOA) – 2022 Comprehensive Stormwater Plan. DNS is issued and NOA is provided on a non-project action to adopt the Comprehensive Stormwater Plan. The DNS is issued after using optional DNS process WAC 197-11-355 and in accordance with NPMC 18.150.060(7). The environmental checklist and draft Plan are both available.

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SW Suburban Sewer Project Starts

Beginning the week of September 5, 2022 the Southwest Suburban Sewer District will be mobilizing construction equipment into the area surrounding the intersection of SW Shoremont Ave and Normandy Terrace SW to begin the replacement of the high-pressure sewer mainline. Construction is anticipated to be completed by November 2022. This improvement is necessary to ensure the sewer system has continued functionality and to provide ongoing service to this area and the system as a whole.

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