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Survey Success: Paving the Path for Our Park’s Future with Your Help!

The City just completed the first component of the updated Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan (PROS); the survey! Residents are encouraged to participate in outreach over the next year by engaging in our surveys and open house meetings. If you missed our recent parks open house meeting on Saturday, September 30, from 10–4 pm, you could still participate in a new interactive online format called maptionaire.

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Weekly Report – August 11, 2023

City Council Meeting Roundup
On Tuesday, August 8th, the City Council had its regular monthly meeting. Here are the meeting highlights. Parks Commission Chair Ron Ebbers gave the City Council the annual presentation on all the good works of the Parks Commission.
Our consultant, SCJ Alliance, talked with the City Council about how the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) Plan update was going. Once complete, the PROS plan will be updated to guide us regarding parks, recreation, open space, and trails. Resident input is crucial in assuring that program goals and priorities are consistent with community needs. If you have not already, please complete the survey now.

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Weekly Report – July 14, 2023

On Tuesday, July 11th, the City Council had its regular monthly meeting. Here are the meeting highlights. Recommendations from the Normandy Park Economic Development Implementation Report were approved for inclusion into the City’s code. These amendments focus on rehabilitating the retail and office leasing experience/use in the city’s commercial areas. The Municipal Code was amended to establish guidelines for City Council members participating in meetings remotely. The Washington Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) requires that all meetings of governing bodies of public agencies be open to the public with a physical location available to the public. While an in-person option must be offered to the public, City Council members can attend remotely. The City Council approved an ordinance that allows remote participation by Councilmembers for reasons related to medical, vacations, work, or family emergencies.

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